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Posted by Lorr-Ye 3 hours ago 1,579

'Carpool Conversations' returns with Singer-Songwriter Alex Porat in Episode 2!

'Carpool Conversations' returns with Singer-Songwriter Alex Porat in Episode 2!

DIVE Studios and Eric Nam host a brand new series: Carpool Conversation

Move over, Jerry Seinfeld! There's a new take on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee in town. DIVE Studios and Eric Nam have just unveiled their newest series, Carpool Conversations. Hosted by singer-songwriter Eric Nam and sponsored by The All-New Toyota Camry, this exciting show highlights rising artists and their journeys through engaging interviews, candid conversations in The All-New Toyota Camry,, delicious meals, and entertaining challenges.

So what makes Carpool Conversation so unique? The unique blend of intimate interviews and entertaining activities! Get an exclusive look into the lives and careers of emerging artists, while enjoying their dynamic and engaging tales as Eric drives the guest around Los Angeles. Each episode delivers heartfelt stories, laughter, and a few surprises along the way.

Whether you're a longtime fan of Eric Nam or just discovering the featured artists, Carpool Conversation is a must-watch. The series offers a fresh and exciting way to connect with the music industry's next big stars. Episode 1 features artist BOBO.XX, Eric's former photographer turned musician. Learn more about his Bay Area upbringing, music and art, and watch for some hilarious surprises and challenges on “the DIVE Studios” YouTube channel in this special premiere episode.

Exclusive Q&A with Alex Porat

For more insight into the second guest of Carpool Conversations, we sat down with Alex Porat for an exclusive Q&A. Here's what she had to say about her experiences, inspirations, and the all-new Toyota Camry:

Q1. What standout features of the all-new Toyota Camry do you enjoy the most?

The ventilated seats for sure! There’s nothing worse than getting in a car and your skin touching a hot leather seat. The day we filmed was pretty warm out so we were blasting the cooled seats. This might sound silly, but I like to think of a car as an isolation tank. I’ll sit in a parked car for a while just to decompress a few minutes before and after driving. I think the all-new Toyota Camry is the perfect car for that because it’s equipped with so many features that cater to being comfortable which I love!

Q2. How was your experience working with Eric Nam in this unique setting?

Lovely! Ever since touring with him in March I’ve become such a fan of who he is as a person and artist. The shoot day was such a nice hang. I feel like I actually don’t get to see friends that often so it’s always nice when things like this happen to bring us together.

Q3. How would you describe your personal style or "vibe"?

My vibe is pretty chill. One thing about me is I can fall asleep basically anywhere and in any condition. One of my favorite places to sleep is in a car and the all-new Toyota Camry’s seats were really calling my name during the drive!! I feel like I save all my energy for the show and then I hibernate all night until the next show. Sometimes when I’m sleep deprived I get a little silly but it’s nothing unmanageable.

Q4. What aspect of this project did you find most enjoyable?

I love a car ride! The all-new Toyota Camry feels really good to be in which is super important to me. I spend a lot of my time driving around and I feel like I treat the car like a sanctuary. When I can have that mental space to feel good, ideas flow more freely and oftentimes my best ideas have originated from a nice car ride.

Q5. What are your upcoming plans as an artist?

I’m working on a project right now and it’s close to being done so I’m excited to share that with everyone when it’s ready. I’m even more excited to tour with the new music. I love being with people in real life at shows, it’s my favorite thing about being a musician.

Q6. Can you share any memorable moments from the shoot?

Ah there were so many! It was a beautiful day that day. Perfect weather to be driving around with the windows down. It was straight out of a movie. I feel like we really did it all that day. We drove around, saw some sights, I tried a bunch of hot sauces that I’ve never had before, my mouth was on fire, I drank more water than I’ve ever drank in my life, it was so hectic but so much fun!

Q7. If you could describe the all-new Toyota Camry in three words, what would they be?

Comfortable, classic, and cool!

Can you tell us about a road trip you'd love to take in a all-new Toyota Camry?

A couple years ago I drove from Toronto to San Diego over the course of week for a tour and it was one of the best drives I’ve ever done. It was in March and there was quite a range of different environments and climates. I would personally love to take the all-new Toyota Camry out on that drive. There’s nothing better than a super comfy car when you’re trying to sight see. I’m also a huge fan of last minute planned trips to New York, which is about an 8 hour drive for me, and I feel like the all-new Toyota Camry would be the perfect car to just hop into and take out.

Q8. What message or feeling do you hope viewers take away from this video?

I think in the video we emphasize the concept of identity a lot. It can be super overwhelming and uncomfortable to try and understand your identity and find yourself. But it’s a journey that’s definitely worth taking and I think my music is forever changed because I’ve come to understand myself better over the years. I think knowing who you are can be the thing that guides you to where you’re meant to be. Trust yourself.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of Eric Nam or just discovering the featured artists, Carpool Conversations is a must-watch. The series offers a fresh and exciting way to connect with the music industry’s rising stars. With Alex Porat set to release new music soon, don’t miss the chance to catch Episode 2 and get a sneak peek at what’s coming next!

  1. Eric Nam
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