Girls’ Generation member Yuri recently shared glimpses of her close bond with fellow actors from her play. On August 27, Yuri took to Instagram to post several photos along with the caption, “Waiting for Godot. I was happy to be part of the final Jeju performance. Well done, everyone.”
In the photos, Yuri is seen having a lively conversation with veteran actor Shin Goo, smiling brightly. Notably, Yuri, who was born in 1989 and is 34 years old, displayed a natural closeness with Shin Goo, born in 1936, and Park Geon Hyeong, born in 1940, highlighting their strong rapport despite the significant age differences of 53 and 49 years, respectively.
The trio has developed their friendship while working together on the play Waiting for Godot.
Yuri debuted in 2007 as a member of the SM Entertainment girl group Girls’ Generation. Recently, she has been showcasing her vibrant presence on the Disney+ original variety show ‘The Zone: Survival Mission Season 3,’ which airs every Wednesday. Additionally, she starred in the movie ‘Dolphin,’ which was released earlier this year. On August 5, Yuri also celebrated the 17th anniversary of Girls’ Generation’s debut.
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