The new MBN drama mini-series 'Bad Memory Eraser' is set to premiere on August 2 at 9:40 PM KST. The series revolves around a man whose life changes after undergoing a memory-erasing procedure and a woman who becomes his first love. This drama marks Kim Jaejoong's return to television after seven years and Jin Se Yeon's first leading role in four years, heightening anticipation.
Kim Jaejoong plays Lee Gun, a once-promising tennis prodigy whose life hit rock bottom due to a childhood accident. After undergoing the 'bad memory eraser' surgery, he re-emerges with high self-esteem, confidence, and presence. Jin Se Yeon portrays Kyung Joo Yeon, a psychiatrist at a brain research center who unexpectedly becomes Lee Gun's fabricated first love.
In the recently released couple poster, Kim Jaejoong is seen with a mischievous expression, leaning closely into Jin Se Yeon, showcasing their intimate chemistry. Jin Se Yeon, dressed in a doctor's coat, playfully places a stethoscope on Kim Jaejoong's head, highlighting her character's charming quirkiness. Her wide-eyed, surprised look while examining his head adds to the intrigue.
'Bad Memory Eraser' will be available starting August 2 KST.
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