On March 5, aespa's Karina posted a handwritten letter in apology for her dating news with actor Lee Jae Wook.
Through the letter, Karina shared her thoughts and apologized for causing disappointment to her fans. She wrote, "First, I am sorry for surprising you so much. I (wrote this letter) so late because I know many of you were also surprised and I wanted to be cautious."
She continued to share, "With the hope that some of these feelings can be conveyed, I decided to write this letter. Despite my concerns about causing further hurt, I write this because I wanted to convey my heartfelt apologies to the fans who have given me the warmest winter from the moment of my debut."

Below is Karina's full letter:
"Hello, this is Karina. First, I am sorry for surprising you so much. I (wrote this letter) so late because I know many of you were also surprised and I wanted to be cautious.
I'm well aware of how disappointed my fans must have been and how saddened they must be recalling the conversations we've had together. I feel deeply sorry because I understand those feelings all too well myself.
With the hope that some of these feelings can be conveyed, I decided to write this letter. Despite my concerns about causing further hurt, I write this because I wanted to convey my heartfelt apologies to the fans who have given me the warmest winter from the moment of my debut.
I want to make up for any hurt MYs (aespa's fandom) have experienced. I have always been sincere to MYs and you continue to be precious individuals to me.
Thank you for reading this letter, which can be too short to convey my feelings. I want to assure I will not disappoint you in the future and continue to show a more mature and diligent side. Please keep watching.
Please take care of yourselves and don't miss meals, MYs. I'm sorry and thank you so much."
I’m not a fan of aespa but this whole situation is so stupid. Some fans desperately need to log off the internet and find a real purpose for their lives instead of being so upset that their favorite celebrity has a life.
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