Meenoi is receiving backlash after netizens spotted cigarettes and ashtray in her livestream.
A post about the singer's supposed slip-up began trending on online communities under the title "Look at the cigarette butts behind Meenoi," including the image below. Netizens expressed disappointment about Meenoi allegedly smoking and furthermore smoking indoors as she's known to have cats.
Netizens commented, "Please smoke outside. People don't smoke outside in the cold because they're dumb," "What about her cats," "Cigarette smoke is harmful to cats," "I'm so turned off. She shouldn't raise cats," "That's her home and not her work area? I'm so disappointed," "I never would've thought Meenoi is a smoker," and more.
The backlash comes around the same time as Meenoi's emotional live broadcast that had fans concerns and netizens confused.

Girl was crying her eyes out and this is what they complain about? Damn what happend to a society where there is no humanity left?
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