TV Chosun revealed their position on the removal of their exclusive report of Lee Sun Gyun's farewell letters.
On January 5, TV Chosun explained to Sports Seoul, "We decided to remove the online articles regarding Lee Sun Gyun's farewell letter in response to the agency's request. Our intention was to consider the perspective of the bereaved family in light of the unfortunate incident."
Furthermore, they added, "Since legal procedures, including the filing of a complaint, have been carried out, it is difficult to disclose more detailed information."
Back on December 27, 2023, TV Chosun released an exclusive report on the farewell letter Lee Sun Gyun purportedly left behind, sparking controversy as it contradicted the family's wish to keep the letters private.
Subsequently, Hodu & U Entertainment officially stated on January 3, "On January 2, we filed a complaint against a reporter who disseminated false information as if it were factual on the night of December 27 last year. On the 27th of December, a cable channel reported on the contents related to the farewell letter. It is reported that there are issues with the content of that article."
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