Super Junior's new unit L.S.S. (Leeteuk, Shindong, and Siwon) will be making their official debut in Korea on January 22 at 6 PM KST!
The unit's new single 'Suit Up' is a funky pop dance track with a signature sound featuring synthesized bass and layered guitars. The electric guitar solo in the dance break section adds to the song's charm.
Following a set of comical action figure-themed teaser images yesterday, including Leeteuk's individual concept teasers, L.S.S. has unleashed another set of childlike photos, this time at a ball pool! You can check out the unit's new group photo above, as well as Shindong's individual concept teasers below.
Meanwhile, Super Junior-L.S.S. will hold a solo concert, 'SUPER JUNIOR-L.S.S. THE SHOW: Th3ee Guys' at Gwangwoon University's Donghae Culture and Arts Center in Seoul from February 3-4.

They need to look their ID card