Ready to unlock a new level of Korean? Forget textbooks, ditch those flashcards – we're learning body parts the K-Pop way! From head to toe, we'll unravel the secrets hidden within lyrics that mention body parts, all while tapping our feet and singing along. Here are some of your favorite K-Pop songs to become your vocabulary guide.
Well, the title might be... HIP, but the song mentioned; Head, shoulders, knees. 머리 (Muh-Lee or Head), 어깨 (Uh Kkae or Shoulders), 무릎 (Moo Leup or Knees).
TAEYANG - Eyes, Nose, Lips
Okay this one should be easy. It's literally in the title already! 눈 (Nwun or Eyes) , 코 (Koh or Nose) , 입 (Eeb or Mouth) (Noon or Eyes) , 코 (Koh or Nose) , 입 (Eeb or Mouth) (Noon or Eyes) , 코 (Koh or Nose) , 입 (Eeb or Mouth).
EXO - Touch It
This song written by CHEN, mentions; hand, head, hair. 손 (Sohn or Hand), 머릿 (Muh Lee/Muh Leet or Head), 머리카락 (Muh Lee Kah Lak or Hair).
Stray Kids - Cheese
This one will help you learn the names of each finger; Index finger, middle finger, ring finger, pinky. 검지 (Gumji or Index), 중지 (Joongji or Middle), 약지 (Yahkji or Ring), 새끼 (Saekki or Pinky), 엄지 (Uhmji or Thumb).
Somi - Gold Gold Gold
"gold on my wrist." 손목 (Sohnmok or wrist).
BOYNEXTDOOR – One and Only
This cute and fun song mentions; teeth, face. 치아 (Chi-Ah or teeth), 얼굴 (Eol-Gul or Face).
IVE – Baddie
This should also count but this addictive song mentions blood. 혈액 (Hyeok-Aek or Blood).
Stray Kids - Lalalala
Instead of just teaching us the fingers, they're also teaching us how to say; nails. 손톱 (Sohn Tohp or Nails)
Mino — Body