On December 11, singer-songwriter WOODZ wrote a letter to his fans entitled "To MOODZ" announcing his plans to enlist.
In this letter, WOODZ announced that he will be enlisting on January 22, and reflects his achievements and expressed his gratefulness for all the fans that has been with him for the past 10 years since his debut.
The full letter reads:
"Hello, this is Cho Seungyoun. I am writing this today because I have news to tell MOODZ directly.
I have been called by the state to serve in the military on January 22, 2024.
This military service, which felt far away to me, has come. I have been thinking about joining the military since last year. I will be far away as I fulfil my duty not as WOODZ but Cho Seungyoun.
It's been nearly 10 years since I debut and started working. I am very grateful that I have made many precious and happy memories with MOODZ.
I will return healthier so please stay healthy and happy wherever you are.
Thank you once again, MOODZ, for always giving me strength and love."
Wishing WOODZ a safe and fulfilling time in the military!
Love his voice. Love his music. 👍🏻👍🏻