On November 25, one exclusive media outlet disclosed details on how the police identified the initial offender who distributed soccer player Hwang Ui Jo's sex tapes and images on SNS.
Both Hwang Ui Jo's brother and his sister-in-law are directors of UJ Sports, the management agency which represents Hwang Ui Jo. Hwang's sister-in-law is known to carry out the role of the soccer player's manager when needed.
Earlier in the spring of this year, Hwang Ui Jo lent his sister-in-law one of his old phones for temporary use on a trip to South America. Then, in June, an anonymous SNS user who claimed they were Hwang's "ex-lover" began accusing the soccer player of promiscuous relations with numerous women, gaslighting, and illegal filming during sexual activities. Along with the accusations, the SNS user publicized sex tapes and photos of Hwang. The user then threatened Hwang using direct messages, claiming, "There are more videos."
Hwang and UJ Sports proceeded with a lawsuit against the anonymous SNS user. The SNS user then created a different account to continue various threats against Hwang.
Meanwhile, the police tracked the IP address of the SNS user, including the exact location when the user logged onto the SNS platform to message Hwang. The information confirmed that the SNS user was in the same building as Hwang at the time, in a hotel where Hwang and his sister-in-law were staying, and deduced that Hwang's sister-in-law, who had been given previous access to Hwang's old phone, was the initial SNS accuser.
However, Hwang's sister-in-law is currently denying the accusations that she was the one to spread the footage on SNS. She told the police, "I am not the kind of person who would harm a child that I am caring for (the media report specified that the sister-in-law referred to Hwang as a 'child')." The sister-in-law further claimed that someone else must be forging the IP address to frame her.
Police reports also indicate that Hwang's sister-in-law factory-reset her phone soon after being called in for questioning. She claimed that it was only to "protect private information" about Hwang Ui Jo.
Thus far, Hwang Ui Jo also maintains the position that his sister-in-law's detainment and ongoing investigation is "a misunderstanding". Hwang currently echoes the sister-in-law's claim that she was "framed".

On the other hand, the "victim" whose footage was also publicized through Hwang Ui Jo's sex tapes in June is currently involved in a lawsuit against Hwang for illegal filming during sexual activities. Regarding this matter, Hwang's side has claimed that there was "consent" involved, while the victim's side has strongly asserted that they did not give consent, and that they also asked Hwang to delete the footage.
Finally, Hwang Ui Jo is currently in the UK, playing for his team, Norwich City F.C, while involved in multiple lawsuits and scandals back home. He played in a game on November 25 and scored the winning goal for his team against Queens Park Rangers.
"Then, in June, an anonymous SNS user who claimed they were Hwang's "ex-lover" began accusing the soccer player of promiscuous relations with numerous women, gaslighting, and illegal filming during sexual activities. Along with the accusations, the SNS user publicized sex tapes and photos of Hwang."
Totally reasonable to publish the sex tapes which got illegally filmed against your wishes - not. How dumb was this sister-in-law? Isn't it obvious that this wasnt stated by the real victim? Her actions hurt the real victim way more than him filming it to "enjoy" it privately. Now the public has seen those tapes.. Ughh.