TOMORROW X TOGETHER's Soobin revealed that his agency was in a state of emergency after he gained 6kg in one month.
During a recent Weverse Live, TXT's Soobin revealed that his agency was once in a state of emergency when he suddenly gained 6kg in just one month.
Soobin told his fans, "When I went on our U.S. tour and returned home, I probably gained around 6kg. I probably [gained that] in just one month, which surprised me a lot. The agency was also in a state of emergency. The alarm went off 'beep! beep! Soobin needs to lose weight! But they didn't force anything on me. They let us be responsible for our own diet. They merely just tell us when [dieting] is necesary for us, and tell us to eat whatever we want to lose weight on our own. Our agency has this kind of mindset, so they don't starve us when they tell us to go on a diet. They are the ones who offer us food, but I tell them I want to skip the meal. I eat what I want during rest periods, eat however much I want. I can just lose the weight right before we begin our [promotional] activities."
Hueningkai, who was also present during the live, agreed and stated, "Right, because we can lose it quickly."

Soobin's photos shortly after TXT's U.S. Tour:

Soobin during his promotion period:

State of emergency? That’s a bit dramatic lol
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