Actor Ji Soo revealed he is now on good terms with the initial accuser of his bullying scandal.
On October 23 KST, actor Ji Soo sat down for an interview with one media outlet for an interview. Ji Soo stated, "I met with the initial accuser of my bullying scandal and overcame our misunderstandings and now, we have a relationship where we support each other." He then talked about when his bullying scandal first came into light while filming for his drama. He added, "During that time when my bullying scandal was getting more serious, I left the drama and quickly enlisted in the military. I wanted to explain the misunderstandings, but I did not have an agency at that time so [my explanations] are very late. I'm not saying that I will state my side of the story just to make a comeback. All I'm saying is that I want to explain the things that were reported incorrectly."
Back in 2021, Ji Soo faced accusations of severe bullying by a netizen, and Ji Soo was dropped from the main character role in the drama 'River Where the Moon Rises' mid-filming. This caused a lot of financial and filming difficulties to the drama, until actor Na In Woo stepped in as a replacement for the role.
So far, no updates have been revealed regarding Ji Soo's plans to make a comeback in the entertainment industry.
Looking forward to his comeback. The way people destroyed his career and reputation (both the accusers and the know-it-all netizens) on lies and false accusations is horrible. Probably one of the worst and most unfair of all the Korean entertainment "cancellations"
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