After a hiatus of one year and four months, Sunmi marks her highly-anticipated comeback. On September 19 KST, ABYSS Company, her management, put speculation to rest by confirming, "Sunmi is currently full steam ahead preparing for her comeback that is targeted for an October release".
Sunmi, known for her innovative concepts and catchy melodies, has a successful track record with her previous releases. Her agency also revealed that she has wrapped up the filming for her comeback music video.
Anticipation builds as her comeback approaches, leaving fans and critics alike questioning what genre or style she will explore in her forthcoming release. Regardless of the answers that only time will reveal, the music world eagerly awaits Sunmi's newest contribution.
Sunmi joins the lineup for an October comeback
Monday, September 18, 2023
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Finally! Just yesterday I was wondering what she was doing, and when we get to see her again. Last time I saw her was when she was doing Showterview months ago.