Kim Hieora's label has taken another proactive step towards resolving the recent bullying allegations against her.
As reported previously, Gram Entertainment recently revealed the label's own version of the phone conversation between the actress and her alleged bullying victim. The agency staunchly defended Kim, maintaining that she had not resorted to physical violence against her classmates.
On September 11, the debate about the issues surrounding Kim's alleged bullying trauma escalated on online forums. Gram Entertainment announced their intention to sue Dispatch, accusing them of tarnishing the actress's reputation without providing proof and causing distress to those around her.
The full message reads:
"Hello, this is Gram Entertainment.
We apologize for causing disturbance to many due to the controversy surrounding our actress Kim Hieora. We apologize to everyone who has been disappointed or harmed by this issue.
Today, the label expresses regret toward the particular media outlet that has one-sidedly treated a story from the informant as if it were a proven fact. We therefore decided to initiate legal proceedings against them for defaming our actress and causing harm to all those who are unrelated to the issue.
We present the actions taken by the said media outlet and plan to take severe legal action against anyone who will further make one-sided claims about unproven facts from now on.
We once again emphasize our intent to defend ourselves legally against the malicious gestures aimed toward our actress and will try our best to protect our signed artists to the best of our abilities."

Moreover, Gram Entertainment accused Dispatch of maliciously editing the informant's account to make it sound more grievous. They also allege that Dispatch suggested they would present the news story in a “less explicit” manner if Kim Hieora were to admit to the accusations. Additionally, the company disclosed that Kim and the informant had reached an understanding about the issue while Dispatch decided to postpone their article until the conclusion of her ongoing drama series.

As before, netizens defended Kim Hieora and left supportive comments such as:
"What a bully, the media outlet itself"
"What wrong has the actress done? The dent on her image is too great. Of course there has to be legal action against these malicious reports for making false claims as if they are truths"
"There were so many articles like this on Dispatch that I automatically filter them out now"
"I heard that the original informant was also appalled after learning the way Dispatch edited things"
"I believe the words of the acquaintance who vowed that the actress was not a bully...they literally unveiled their face publicly"
"So will Kim Hieora admit that she really didn't do any of those things for sure? Like not even punching someone on the face and causing a nose bleed?"
"Whoaaa the agency isn't playing around"
"Dispatch needs to be sued..."
"Lol I can't believe someone can be accused for being a bully just for being free-spirited during school"
"Why can't Dispatch just stick to dating scandals lol they tried too hard and now they are getting sued"
What are your thoughts?
She's guilty in both conversations, and it's very likely that Dispatch didn't edit these themselves. They wouldn't need to, she still looks guilty in what the company released. That whole "I don't remember what I did to you" is full of crap. She remembers, she just wants to gaslight and hope everyone forgets.
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