Actor Choi Hyun Wook is set to return on-screen with tvN's new drama, 'Twinkling Watermelon,' which is scheduled for broadcast on September 25, KST. The story centres around Eun Gyeol (played by Ryeoun), a CODA boy with a natural affinity for music, who embarks on a time-traveling journey to 1995 where he encounters his father Lee Chan (played by Choi Hyun Wook) in his youth. The story unfolds as a fantasy youth drama chronicling their adventures as they form a band together.
The story also introduces romance to the plot when Lee Chan, experiences the thrill of first love. He finds himself drawn to Se Gyeong (played by Seol In Ah), a captivating cello player from a neighboring school. The promotional images reveal Lee Chan as a budding band member devotedly learning the guitar to woo the cello prodigy, igniting interest and curiosity as to whether his efforts will catch her attention.
Choi Hyun Wook set to charm audiences in the new tvN drama 'Twinkling Watermelon
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
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Loved him in Weak Hero Class. Still waitin' on Season 2 to see what happened to him.
I can't wait for this new drama of his.