A new thriller featuring Shin Hye Sun is on its way. The movie 'Target,' directed by Park Hee Gon, is generating anticipation with its realistic portrayal of second-hand trading, suspense in everyday life, and the talented cast, including Shin Hye Sun, Kim Sung Kyun, and Kang Tae Oh. The film has been confirmed for a theatrical release on August 30 KST.
'Target' is a thrilling story that introduces suspense into the daily life of Soo Hyun, who becomes a target of crime due to a second-hand transaction. Shin Hye-sun's outstanding performance brings her character, Soo Hyun, an ordinary office worker, to life in three dimensions, enhancing the suspense and captivating the audience with a sense of "this could happen to me too," showcasing the allure of the thriller genre.
The released poster for the movie features a unique concept, symbolically incorporating a courier box reminiscent of second-hand trading. The attention-grabbing image displays red text reading, "I made a second-hand deal with a murderer today," and traces of blood on the torn box tape. It raises expectations for the film while leaving viewers intrigued about what will happen in Soo-hyun's daily life now that she has become a target of crime through second-hand trading.
Shin Hye Sun led thriller 'Target' set for an August theatrical release
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
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