The alleged bullying victim at the hands of actor Jo Byung Kyu is now demanding public verification of his allegations.
On July 27, the alleged victim 'A' took to his Instagram account to post a lengthy message, announcing that he is willing to bet 10 billion KRW (7.8 million USD) to establish the truth and undergo a public verification process.
'A' stated firmly through the Instagram post, "I am ready to stake 10 billion KRW to ensure the truth comes to light through public verification." He added, "There's a lot to say but I'm going to hold back. Jo Byung Kyu's agency HB Entertainment said 'If he wants to do a public verification, we'd be thankful. But he does not respond.' So I am publically giving a response."
'A' expressed confidence in the public verification process and stated that if an agreement is reached through it, he aims to attract public investment for the 10 billion KRW amount. He mentioned that success in this endeavor would serve as a benefit to the agency involved and could also bring them widespread global publicity.

Moreover, 'A' laid down certain conditions for public verification, without compromise, to ensure that the truth is uncovered. These conditions include the involvement of the school and local police where the abuse allegedly occurred, using lie detectors and hypnosis investigations, a 10 billion KRW guarantee from the agency's CEO, and a clear separation of civil and criminal legal responsibilities.
Additionally, 'A' promised to bear additional consequences if his claims were found to be false during the public verification process. He pledged, "I was born in New Zealand but I will volunteer for the Korean Army after completing my studies and clean public places, such as Seoul Station toilets, without covering my face for a period of ten years."
Addressing the accused actor, 'A' raised questions about the social responsibility of not only the agency's representative but also the agency's legal representative and the actor himself if his claims were proven to be true.

Previously, in 2021, Jo Byung Kyu was embroiled in controversy when it was revealed that he had been involved in school bullying while studying in New Zealand. Jo Byung Kyu and HB Entertainment denied these allegations and took legal action in response.
Recently, during an online production presentation for tvN's new drama 'The Uncanny Counter: Counter Punch, ' Jo Byung Kyu confronted the school violence allegations head-on.
He expressed his carefulness in addressing the issue but asserted that he had always maintained his stance of denying any wrongdoing. Jo Byung Kyu acknowledged that the investigation took time due to involvement from international parties, and he emphasized feeling a great sense of responsibility.
Moreover, it has been revealed that the accuser in New Zealand is refusing to comply with the police request to come to South Korea for the investigation of the school bullying allegations.
He's betting that much money but can't buy a plane ticket to SK and have his statement officially taken by the police? 🤔 Sorry but that doesn't really prove JBK's guilt. There's this thing called due process and if only he had complied in the first place when he was summoned by the SK police then there's really no need to create drama? The way he's acting, people will start doubting him even more.
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