On the July 20 broadcast of KBS2's 'Second House 2', the new K-Pop idol couple Thunder and Mimi paid a visit to the Choi Soo Jong and Ha Hee Ra couple's second home.
Here, it was revealed that Thunder first became acquainted with Ha Hee Ra after playing the role of Ha Hee Ra's son in the 2015 drama, 'Make a Woman Cry'. Afterward, Thunder became a member of Choi Soo Jong and Ha Hee Ra's bowling group, and eventually introduced Mimi to Choi Soo Jong and Ha Hee Ra as well.
Thunder and Mimi also opened up about why they chose to come forward with their relationship on 'Second House 2'. "We were worried about how we might go public with our relationship. Fortunately, we received a generous offer to come spend time with [Choi Soo Jong and Ha Hee Ra] sunbaenims and also share about our relationship."

The young couple also mentioned, "We were both nervous because this was our first time going public about a relationship. Dating secretly was difficult. We were finally able to make it public because we are planning to get married." Thunder and Mimi confirmed that their families are aware of their plans to marry, with the goal of holding the wedding some time in 2024. In fact, one mission Thunder and Mimi had hoped to accomplish on this episode of 'Second House 2' was asking Choi Soo Jong to be the officiant at their wedding. Although Choi Soo Jong was hesitant at first, Ha Hee Ra was able to force(?) her husband to accept the request.
How did Choi Soo Jong and Ha Hee Ra react to a secret idol couple being in their bowling group? Ha Hee Ra recalled, "I remember we were always careful at our bowling meetups. The last time, while we were filming a video, I told Mimi to stand further away. Those of us who help to keep a secret safe always want to be more careful." During their bowling meetups, the group would take various versions of group photos, including ones with Mimi and without Mimi, as they would be made public on SNS.

Just like this couple, I'm sure there are loads of other girl group-male group idol couples out there as we speak, going through completely unnecessary stresses and complicated ways to not be found out. All because of too-attached, clingy fanatics who will give them a hard time. 🙄