Kim Jong Hyeon of NU'EST fame is set to take strong action against invasion of privacy by sasaeng fans.
On March 17, his label Evmore Entertainment announced, "We're informing you of some recent situations that fans are concerned about. We're aware of the invasion of our artist's privacy and the threat to his safety, and we're keeping a close eye on certain people are constantly involved in these situations," revealing a number of sasaeng fans have been continually invading Kim Jong Hyeon's privacy.
The label continued, "Nevertheless, we've determined that those who repeat these actions are sasaengs and concluded that sanctions are needed against them. From today, the official fan club qualification of those who threaten safety will be revoked. We're also informing you that you'll be banned from any promotional schedule related to the artist." Evmore Entertainment concluded that if the sasaengs continue to invade Kim Jong Hyeon's privacy, they'll be taking strong action.
Stay tuned for updates on Kim Jong Hyeon.
Good, they need to be taught their limits or they're never going to learn. People with common sense seems to be a dying breed