KARA will hold their fan meeting in South Korea for the first time in nine years.
On March 8, RBW and DSP media announced that KARA will be holding their 15th-anniversary fan meeting, 'KARA 15TH ANNIVERSARY FAN MEETING 2023~MOVE AGAIN~IN SEOUL' next month.
This is the first time in 9 years KARA will be holding a fan meeting in South Korea. Their last fan meeting was in May 2014. The girls celebrated their 15th anniversary back in November of last year and made a comeback as a whole group.
The fan meeting will be held two times on April 8 at the Seoul Sejong University Daeyang Hall.
Meanwhile, KARA held their 15th-anniversary fan meeting in three major cities in Japan. The tickets sold out immediately after they went on sale.

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