Netizens are calling this year's 'Music Bank in Chile' a complete 'disaster.'
On an online community forum, netizens discussed how the event was canceled in the middle of the show due to heavy rain. Furthermore, talks of local fans uploading images of Korean fans and labeling them as 'sasaengs' are stirring up controversy.
In light of these issues, fans, especially from domestic circles, are calling the event a 'disaster,' alerting the artists to simply "come home."
Netizens also expressed their discontent towards management for having made earlier artists perform in the rain. The flight from South Korea to Chile is also known to be notoriously long, which made these mishaps even more disappointing for both the fans and presumably the artists.
Netizens are also expressing that the extreme weather conditions should have been foreseen, since there was hail in addition to the rain. Dancing on stage under these circumstances was too dangerous, as many fans note.
Official news of the performances' cancelation mid-concert was also dispersed via social media, which the fans have had to translate through digital applications. Misunderstandings also arose due to this issue, as ATEEZ's name was misspelled during the automatic translation process.

What are your thoughts?
No no, KAMP LA was a DISASTER. What happened in Chile with the weather is unfortunate and the issue with fans messy.
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