During ITZY members Ryujin and Yeji's recent V Live broadcast, fans began to write comments that caught Ryujin's attention. Coming across these comments, Ryujin read out loud, "Crush should pay more taxes" and quickly understood what the fans had meant. However, Yeji did not quite understand what the fans were talking about.
Ryujin then caught many off-guard when she proceeded to casually whisper into Yeji's ear, "It's because [Crush] is currently dating Joy sunbaenim." Yeji then replied, "Mm. Mm. But why is that related to the comments?" Ryujin then further explained, "People are telling him to pay more taxes."
Watch the video clip from their recent V Live below:
Huhh so what's the issue?? The commenters is the issue for bringing it up on another person live video. Of course everyone knows they are dating cause it's a public relationship and no one is bashing them. So why bashed Ryujin and Yeji?????? K-Netz please stop controlling other people's life. Get your own life settle first.
58(+58 / -0)
savagestorm-5554,129 ptsTuesday, October 4, 2022 1
Huhh so what's the issue?? The commenters is the issue for bringing it up on another person live video. Of course everyone knows they are dating cause it's a public relationship and no one is bashing them. So why bashed Ryujin and Yeji?????? K-Netz please stop controlling other people's life. Get your own life settle first.