On October 6, EXID's Hani appeared on makeup YouTuber Leo J's channel, requesting a "decadent" makeup look.
While doing Hani's makeup, Leo J naturally brought up the topic of Hani's public relationship. He said, "So you are dating publicly," to which Hani replied, "It was made public." Hearing this, Leo J commented, "But still, doesn't it feel lighter now that it's out in the open?". Hani nodded and said, "That's true. Before, there was always this uncomfortableness. Like, maybe I felt about hiding something from my fans".
Hani then continued, "But what pisses me off are the comments on SNS. Because he's a psychiatrist who is 10 years older than me, the comments would make me out to be some mentally deficient person who was gaslit into the relationship."
Wrapping up her eyelashes, Leo J asked Hani, "Say something to those malicious commenters." Hani then looked into the camera and said, "I'm not mentally deficient! That's not true!"
Meanwhile, Hani previously admitted to her relationship with psychiatrist Yang Jae Woong in June of this year. Yang Jae Woong, who has appeared on various TV programs as a psychiatric expert, is known to be 10 years older than Hani. The two have been dating for approximately 2 years.

10 years sounds like a big age gap to younger people for whom it might be more than half their life, but as you get older it matters less and less as it is a smaller and smaller ratio of your life. What matters more is that you get along with that person, have fun when you are together, have common interests, and if the relationship is serious have compatible goals in life and communicate well. You don't sweat a 10 year age gap much especially as you get into your 30's and 40's, and Hani is 30 now. It really is no business of the fans who she dates and certainly is not grounds for malicious comments. Those making malicious comments or criticizing her for this either aren't really fans of hers or are of the delusional type that think she should only be in a relationship with them because she signed an album for them once at a fan meet or they bought all of her merch and write fan fics about them together.