Actress Choi Kang Hee said she doesn't give advice to anyone after she relapsed into smoking and drinking.
Recently on September 30th, Choi Kang Hee appeared again on the Christian Broadcast YouTube channel for the first time in 6 years. Back in 2016, the actress appeared on the same channel and shared her story of overcoming depression, smoking, and drinking issues.
In the new video, the actress rewatched her old video and shared "I thought I became a completely new person. I thought I'd become clean and divine, like a good daughter of God. But rewatching this after I've relapsed makes me tear up a little."
She then shared her realization, "Now I don't say anything like 'You can do this' or 'Why can't you do this?' Or give advice saying 'This is how you should do it.' I just...support them."
She is wise. If she had succeeded 100% then she could give advice with a clean conscience. This proves she does love God very much! She should never give up though. A relapse doesn't mean you are a bad person. God does not expect perfection from us because he knows we will sin. That's why he sent Jesus. Still we should put up a good fight against sin specially serious sin