Kim Taehyung's reaction to rowdy crowds at the airport displays his true caring personality
Posted by YeontanNews124,409 pts Thursday, September 1, 2022
For the past week, Kim Taehyung, aka V, was spotted four times at the airport due to his travels between South Korea and the US for his work schedule.
Due to Taehyung's immense popularity, he always draws a huge crowd wherever he goes. And whenever his appearance causes chaos, he is quick to grasp the surrounding situation and immediately take action.
Although feeling jet lagged, Taehyung displayed his proper manners and politeness in how he dealt with the rowdy mob of fans and the press at the airport in his recent travels.
Upon his arrival at Incheon International Airport, an excited fan came too close to Taehyung, and his security guard elbowed the person in an attempt to safeguard him. As soon as he noticed it, he subtly held his security man back, despite being mobbed.
When he arrived at JFK International Airport, a huge crowd quickly made their way toward Taehyung, and his security can be seen pushing them back for both his and their safety.
As soon as Taehyung noticed fans were being pushed, he politely requested them to move back so the guards won't have to use force and no one would get hurt.
Such displays of thoughtfulness are common for Taehyung. Fans often praise his sweet personality and how he always steps in to prevent minor accidents from happening, as was seen in his past airport appearances.
One time, he stopped when he saw a little girl nearly getting trampled by the crowd and stayed by her side until she was safely taken away by her mother. On other occasions, he warned excited reporters from getting hurt when they weren't paying attention to their surroundings.
Taehyung never fails to look out for the fans and the press even when he is surrounded by huge crowds, and his compassionate personality is one of the many reasons he is deeply loved.
he has always been so kind and sweet, the best boy ever !!