Jessica Jung uploads a new Vlog highlighting her time in China and fans are delighted
Posted by Ash92,777 pts Tuesday, September 27, 2022
With a following of over 828,000 subscribers, it is safe to say Jessica Jung's YouTube channel is well known and high in demand. Jessica uses YouTube and makes a wide variety of content for her subscribers. Fans are always looking forward to Jessica's updates on the platform.
As we all know, Jessica has been working hard promoting in China for the better part of the year. Fans have been overwhelmed with much content from Jessica during this time. However, her youtube channel had remained dry and high. It had been four months since Jessica's last update until yesterday.
Earlier yesterday, Jessica uploaded a vlog from her time spent in China.
The Vlog started with Jessica thanking her friends and fans for birthday wishes.
The next scene was of Jessica standing in the makeup room on the set of sisters who make waves. She mentioned how she would participate in the program, talked a little bit about it, and showed fans around the set.
Jessica then shared a small snippet of her enjoying wine with her friend Cici Wang. Fans were both surprised and happy to see the actress make an appearance in Jessica's Vlog.
Jessica then shared more snippets from Sisters Who Make Waves. This time they were clips of her practicing. In every other episode, the sisters had to perform, and Jessica shared her and her team AOTU practicing for their stages. We can get a glimpse of how hard they were working for their stages which is why their performances turned out fantastic.
The next few minutes of the Vlog made fans feel warm yet tear up simultaneously. On the show, Jessica had written a heartfelt letter, and in the Vlog, she shared a behind-the-scenes moment of her writing that letter for fans. If the letter made fans cry, then the scene of Jessica putting so much effort and sincerity into it surely made them bawl.
"I don't speak what's really inside, I try to keep it to myself. Because over the years, I learned that that was best for me. But with you guys, I can say anything right?"
Over the years, there have been many times when Jessica has been criticized for something that was out of her control or got hated on for something unnecessary. Despite that, she still tries to be as authentic as she can with her fans. Her sincerity towards her fans is something about her that they find pretty admirable.
Jessica also showed a small clip of her having dinner with her AOTU team members, Lili, Kelly, and Er Jie. Fans were glad to see the members get along so well outside the professional setting. Jessica even said that she's well taken care of and even that she's treated like a baby by them.
Jessica even shared a clip of her and Kelly practicing for their finals performance.
Jessica then shared a few clips of her in Universal studio.
In the next scene, we see Jessica in an art studio where she is going to spray paint. She channeled all her artistry into creating a piece which she then shared with her fans. She even used glow-in-the-dark paint to make her artwork more creative.
Jessica also shared a few snippets from her getaway with Cici. Fans were excited at Cici's second appearance in the Vlog, and their heart warmed to see their close bond.
After this, we got to see what a slow day for Jessica looks like. When she doesn't have a schedule, she spends her time relaxing though a bit bored. She gave fans a small tour of her pantry. She showed fans that she even had Soju with her; they found it funny to see Jessica have Soju in China.
After her 'What's in my pantry' segment, Jessica takes us on a quick trip to Paris. Dressed elegantly in the famous Restaurant Angelina, Jessica enjoys Millie Feuilles and the house famous Mont Blancs. She does a mini mukbang of her eating her desserts.
After the clip in the restaurant, Jessica ends the Vlog with a cute thanks to the viewers.
Jessica often likes a few fan comments on her video. One of the comments she liked was of a fan thanking Jessica for being such an inspiration for them. They praised Jessica's sincerity and wrote of how encouraging she is to them. In the letter, Jessica thanked her fans for inspiring her and teaching her what love is, while here, the fan thanked Jessica for just that too! The bond Jessica has with her fans is undoubtedly one that is of utmost sincerity.
Jessica liked a few other comments, all in Korean, English, and some even in Chinese.
Do you wish to see more vlogs like this from Jessica in the future?
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