There are many sub-cultures in the world of K-pop that allows fans to enjoy their favorite music and artists differently. There are more positive aspects of the culture than there are negative as it brings many people from different walks of life together and allows them to connect and enjoy the wonderful genre of music together.
However, there are some negative sub-cultures that cause more harm than good. One of them is the 'Sasaeng' culture, where obsessive fans invade the privacy of K-pop artists by stalking and following the idols closely.

These 'Sasaeng' fans are able to get their hands on the most private information, such as the idol's dorm address, every detail of the idol's schedule, and even the airline ticket information. Some of these Sasaeng fans cross the line and trespass idols' dorms, and even get on the same airplane to watch their idols closely.
Many wonder how these Sasaeng fans get their hands on such information since they are able to get the most recent information that has not been released to the public.
Recently, a former Sasaeng fan revealed the secrets to how they are able to get the most private information and explained that there are some flight attendants who sell the information. A former Sasaeng explained, "I heard airline employees sell the information and real Sasaengs already know the resident registration number for the idols so they look up the idol's seat number."
The Sasaeng fan continued to explain, "These fans do it to fly with their favorite idol. These Sasaeng fans that have a lot of money and a lot of time sit near their favorite idol and take photos and watch them when these idols sleep..."

Another former Sasaeng fan shared about the 'Sasaeng Taxi' culture, where Sasaeng fans pay a special taxi to follow the idols around to stalk them. According to this former Sasaeng fan, even taxis have a system in which the drivers share information with each other. If one taxi loses track of the vehicle that an idol is in, they would contact another taxi that is following to get back on track.
This former Sasaeng also shared the reason why these fans stalk idols. They explained, "There is something we call 'exclusive.' It's when you witness something about the idol by yourself and you're the only one that knows that information. One time, I saw an idol break up with his girlfriend when I was a Sasaeng. People started to find out that I was the one who witnessed it and I became famous. So, I followed that idol more because I liked the idea that I know more about that idol - like I know something that other people don't know about the idol."

In a popular YouTube video, flight attendants also shared their experiences with Sasaeng fans and to what extent they invaded the privacy of the idols. These flight attendants explained that there are Sasaeng fans who purchase the airline ticket and even board the flight to see the idol. But right before departure, they asked for a refund of their ticket.
Such actions of these Sasaeng fans have caused much trouble for many individuals, including the idols. Therefore, the 'Sasaeng' culture is one of the most frowned-upon practices as it even endangers the lives of the idols, especially when they are trying to avoid 'Sasaeng taxis.'
LMAO. Dragging out a Youtube video from 2021? Writer must be desperate for content. Pretty damn sure I read everything in this article years ago. Thumbs down for recycling content.