Simon D is catching attention with his slimmer figure.
On July 29, the rapper shared the above photos on Instagram along with the simple caption, "Bag of bones." He further revealed he's currently 55.3kg (121lbs 15oz), losing 7kg (15lbs 7oz) since this past February.
A day later on July 30, Simon D shared the below images along with the message, "Photos to provoke your diet." Actor Lee Si Uhn then responded, "You're going to faint."
What are your thoughts on Simon D's weight loss posts?

It always scares me when I see someone drop down to that level. It's unhealthy. On earlier episodes of I Live Alone he had done the same when he was creating his album and basically not eating while sleeping in the studio. He looked skeletal. An extreme drop in weight like that can take a toll on your body. You might think you look good on the outside being that thin, but your insides are being stressed without proper nutrition. Not good and can have long-term ill effects.