BTS's V proves his positive influence as a restaurant he visited in his recent Vlog becomes a hot spot for visitors
Posted by Pie7837,302 pts Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Kim Taehyung is known for his immense impact and brand power.
And it's shown again after the restaurant which featured in his VLOG is becoming a hot spot for visitors and seeing huge crowds.
Taehyung's recent vlog is still a hot topic, especially now that it's causing a boost to a small business. During one of the scenes, V stopped at a restaurant to have some food. The artist was praised for his respectful, sweet interactions with the staff of the restaurant and how he treated the production crew during the meal.
Since the vlog was released, it seems like netizens and fans have been flocking to this single restaurant to the extent that it’s been unable to meet the demand. It said the restaurant ran out of ingredients because of the huge demand on their food.
Taehyung chose a small restaurant to eat at and helped boost its business.
Even the restaurant's owners were so grateful to the artist that they put a sign "The place where BTS V-nim visited" with a picture of the artist with it.
Fans, who are used to V's powerful and positive impact, praised him for always knowing how to use his influence to change others' lives for the better.
Not only businesses, V's effect, and support also reached small artists. In the same Vlog, he played many songs, including a song from Filipino singer-songwriter Paolo Sandejas which caused a huge buzz for him. His 2-year-old song "Sorry" recorded a surge in streams and entered Philippine's Spotify Vida Song following the vlog. Paolo Sanderjas expressed his immense gratitude for V and thanked him for sharing his music.
Although it's not the first time, fans still couldn't help by being amazed and impressed by The Taehyung's effect and his ability to change lives positively.
Taehyung has a pure heart. He helped so many small businesses. He is just like a fairy godmother who helps the needy.
28(+29 / -1)
HUFFY3,772 ptsTuesday, July 19, 2022 0
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
When I viewed this Vlog by V of BTS I was hungry! The food looked great and my comments on YouTube was something like anyone know the recipes? I also enjoyed the scenery of South Korea and music recommended. The forest and river looked beautiful. Thanks for an interesting Vlog. Would still like to know how to make the food….
Taehyung has a pure heart. He helped so many small businesses. He is just like a fairy godmother who helps the needy.