With the latest controversy with actor Nam Joo Hyuk, more and more people are gathering their focus on the controversial YouTube channel Sojang.
Sojang is a YouTube channel that has always been at the center of various controversies as it uploads videos about idols and celebrities that are primarily negative. In many cases, Sojang brings up different accusations and malicious rumors about celebrities without solid evidence and alleges that certain celebrities are bullies or are dating each other while providing little evidence.
Therefore, Sojang has been building up a negative reputation.
However, people are directing their distaste for the YouTube channel more recently as Sojang made some accusations about Nam Joo Hyuk.
On June 19, Sojang posted a video titled "Nam Joo Hyuk's nasty personality" and began slandering the actor, claiming that birds of a feather flock together as Nam Joo Hyuk used to be close with actor Jisoo and actress Lee Sung Kyung. These two individuals were also embroiled in a controversy over their poor "bullying-type" behavior in the past.
The YouTube channel began pointing out instances in which Nam Joo Hyuk would say rude things to those around him and act differently around certain groups of people. According to Sojang, Nam Joo Hyuk would be kind to those who are popular but rude to those who are not as famous.
However, many netizens are angered as Sojang immediately posted a video slandering Nam Joo Hyuk in light of the latest bullying accusation that was not proven to be true yet. These netizens are criticizing Sojang and claiming that the YouTube channel is nothing but trouble.
Some even claim that Sojang is a woman in her 40s who uploads any video to add fuel to the fire without any evidence. They also say she made some false claims of getting pregnant by an idol by creating false pregnancy tests. Netizens commented, "I hope she gets sued," "It's so well known that Nam Joo Hyuk used to just play sports and sleep in school. So no one really believes in this rumor this time," "I heard that YouTuber got sued before," "This isn't this YouTuber's first time being sued. She was always let go through a summary indictment," "She really chose the wrong person this time, Nam Joo Hyuk's past is so well known already," "The only 'Evidence' they uploaded was a school graduation book, lol," "Hoping for a strong legal action," "I'm so glad that Nam Joo Hyuk is part of SOOP Management," "His agency is good at doing the work," and "I really like how his agency uploaded a statement saying they're going to take legal action so fast."
Sojang does this about everyone, her main target is usually aespa. She's been controversial for a long time, not shocked. I'd be careful if I was her cuz one day one of these big celebs are gonna sue her for defamation.
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