There are voices of concern that broadcast programs that show teen pregnancy as the subject matter or introduce the story of teenagers who became parents in their teens may give the wrong message to teenagers.
The drama 'Our Blues,' which is currently airing on a cable channel, brings up the issue of teen pregnancy as one of the various stories of the characters in the drama. In the drama, two high school students who ranked first and second in the entire school, belatedly find out that they are six months pregnant and decide to give birth. Another show titled 'Adults Don't Know' is also airing the story of three teenagers who became parents in their teens in the form of an observational entertainment program.
Both programs are attracting attention, but some point out that caution should be exercised in showing childbirth as the only correct option for adolescents' unwanted pregnancy or showing only scenes that seem to undermine a woman's right to make her own decision in giving birth by focusing on the life of the baby. Many netizens are pointing out that the first priority is to provide proper sex education and to allow adolescents to take responsibility for their own actions before promoting or romanticizing adolescent pregnancy.
According to the '17th Adolescent Health Behavior Survey' by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average starting age of those who experienced sexual intercourse among 54,848 students from 796 schools nationwide is 14.1 years old as of 2021.
Conversely, the proportion of students who have experienced sex education in the past year has decreased. The proportion of students who received sex education dropped from 70% in 2013 to 67.8% last year.
The qualitative aspect of sex education is just as important as the quantitative aspect. Jo Jin Kyung, CEO of the Center for Teenager Women's Rights, said on May 2nd, "We must not ignore the reality that children and adolescents are exposed to a lot of sexual information through various media these days and we must not inject the sexual knowledge that 'young people who should not have sexual desire' to young adolescents. Rather, sex education is necessary to actively teach young people about their body and how to respond to sexual relationships."
There are also voices that raise the question, 'Is society adequately accommodating adolescent pregnancies in reality?' Lee Su Ji, CEO of Lara School, a sex education institution, said, “The reality is that pregnant adolescents do not receive adequate information about terminating pregnancies or properly receive the right education after pregnancy. They have to take responsibility for their livelihood immediately after giving birth. This requires us to look back on whether our society has properly guaranteed the human rights of these adolescents."
I would like to see a drama where plot is not about unwanted teen pregnancy and abortion, I would like to see drama were plot is about prevention, protection, intimate hygiene and health. Children and young adults need education not mystification and drama twist. We cannot pretend in 21st century that kids are not having relations and waiting for mr/ms perfect. We need drama twist with smart education tips!
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