Netizens are sharing their thoughts on 'ending fairies.'
Whether we love it or not, 'ending fairies' in K-Pop are legendary. By default, the members get spotlighted, literally, as one of the final cuts after each performance. Some members change throughout the promotion while others don't; ever since the individual ending shots have gone viral from Mnet's 'Produce 101' series, the trend has gotten fans to focus on certain idols across all music programs.
However, some have begun to express their lack of interest in seeing these typical 'ending fairy shots,' especially from individual members. The spotlight has tended to produce a lot of "pressure" among idols, and the concept of their shots sometimes don't match the atmosphere of their performances, according to some netizens.
Some say that they are jaded after seeing the same faces repeatedly and that certain close-ups stay on air for just a second "too long" that it makes some viewers feel "uncomfortable."
One netizens also remarked that individual 'ending fairy' shots have made it difficult for choreographers to come up with creative ending moves like these:

In that regard, netizens reminisced past ending shots on music programs, which were almost always a well-balanced group shot. These days, some groups have also decided to have the members actively come together in the same frame.

Check out some reactions below. What do you think of 'ending fairy' shots? Would you want to see more group shots instead?
"They have extended the duration of each ending fairy shot in many of the music programs now. It's just a tad bit annoying for me..."
"I just think that group ending shots are much more beautiful and warmer"
"I know that my group for sure tends to spotlight the same two people over and over again lol..."
"Please bring back the group shots and get rid of ending fairies"
"Bring back natural group shots!"
"I never liked ending fairies. They destroy the original mood of the performance"
"The ending fairies don't feel natural anymore"
"The ending fairies sometimes don't fit the mood of the performance and they are too long"
"I just hope that they mix it up at least"
"Can't they just include more group shots now?"
"I love group endings....look how beautiful they are"
I agree with this. Unless, you're the type who likes being the center of attention, I think the group ending is probably the best way to end the performance. Also, does seem to carry on a little too long as well a lot of times.