On March 13, Brave Girls' Minyoung uploaded an image onto her Instagram story with four self-test kit for COVID-19, with each of them labeled where she got her samples from.
The first and last are labeled "nose" and the middle two are labeled "throat." In those labeled "nose" it could be seen that the first one had barely any markings, and the one in the last one had only one marking (i.e., she tested negative). However, in the middle two with samples from the throat, there are two deep markings that indicates presence of the virus within her.
The story is also captioned: "In the five self-test kits I've taken, I only tested positive in two of them done with samples from my throat. Try a variety of ways, please do test it on both nose and throat samples."

Meanwhile, Minyoung tested positive on a PCR test on March 12, with fellow members Yujeong and Eunji also testing positive on the self-test kit. The group will be taking a hiatus and pause their schedules for upcoming comeback with "Thank You" that was set to release on March 14.
Wishing Minyoung a speedy recovery.
I think the first one she did incorrectly, maybe not enough liquid or she didn’t go deep in her nose enough or is faulty. The control mark, it’s the ‘c’ on the strip, didn’t show.
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