BTS Jungkook's self-designed merch becomes a hot topic and the Most Liked-Retweeted tweet for the past 24 hours
Posted by btsarmykook46,549 pts Saturday, January 22, 2022
Jungkook's creatively beautiful and self-design merch is no less than a fever dream for the fans, as everyone is anticipating getting their hands on the merch after it is open for sale.
Jungkook trended in more than 40 countries after the release of his self-designed merch, so it comes as no surprise that his merch tweet from @HYBE_MERCH became the Most Liked and Most Retweeted tweet of the day Worldwide, showing off how much the merch is anticipated.
The merch also became a hot topic on Korean Communities as fans as well as even non-fans also shared how they loved the mood lamp and wanted to buy it.
He's so talented. Just love the way his self designed merch is so meaningful. His sweet voice in mood lamp for army's comfort . His artistic desighns on tshirt especially using army+amethyst= armyst is so good .amethyst is stone well known for healing purpose ❤❤💜💜
He's so talented. Just love the way his self designed merch is so meaningful. His sweet voice in mood lamp for army's comfort . His artistic desighns on tshirt especially using army+amethyst= armyst is so good .amethyst is stone well known for healing purpose ❤❤💜💜