AOA's Seolhyun fangirled over Girls' Generation's Taeyeon on social media.
On January 6, Taeyeon shared the photos below along with the message, "They say something's going to be uploaded at 10PM today." In the pictures, the Girls' Generation member takes on a style fans are unfamiliar with wearing a ton of chain jewelry.
In response, Seolhyun commented, "Unni, is there anything you don't look good in?"
This isn't the first time Seolhyun has expressed she's a fan of Taeyeon. She's previously known to have commented on Taeyeon's Instagram live sessions, and according to comedian Kim Shin Young, Seolhyun's playlists are full of Taeyeon's songs.

Cute! The outfit with all the chains is from GOT the beat - Step back. Wonder if we'll get an MV?