Former N.Flying member Kwon Kwang Jin announced that he is finally free from the sexual harassment allegations previously made against him.
On December 21, Kwon Kwang Jin took to his personal Instagram in order to announce that he finally found justice amidst the sexual harassment accusations made against him.
Back in 2018, the N.Flying member departed from the group following the above allegations and has been working to clear his name for four years. Finally, after his hard work, Kwon Kwang Jin was able to be free of the allegations. He made the joyful announcement on this Instagram on December 21 and shared it with his fans receiving many congratulatory messages.

On the other hand, netizens, who also received the news that the singer had cleared his name, also expressed their anger as they commented how the accuser should be punished severely. Netizens commented, "The law against accusing innocent people should be strengthened," "The accuser should be punished," "Why can't we make laws that the accuser be put into jail," "That person ruined a person's career," "I can't imagine how it would feel if someone ruined my career I worked my whole life to build," "congrats, I hope your life is only filled with the good things now," and "He must have felt so horrible over these years. That person who accused him falsely should be punished."
There are already laws against defamation and denunciation of imaginary crime, unfortunately they are rarely applied, due to blatant judicial laxity in many countries. Anyway, courage to this man, I dare not imagine what he had to endure, especially in Asian countries where the question of honor and reputation is very important.