Teen Top members Niel and Changjo's exclusive contract with TOP Media will soon be coming to an end.
On December 28 KST, TOP Media took to their official homepage to reveal that Teen Top members Niel and Changjo's contract with them will come to an end on January 10, 2022.
Below is TOP Media's official statement:
"Hello. This is TOP Media.
Firstly, we would like to sincerely thank the fans who have loved and encouraged Teen Top.
We inform you that our contract with Teen Top's Niel and Changjo, who we have worked with for the past 12 years, will come to an end on January 10, 2022.
After sharing sincere conversations with Niel and Changjo for a long time, we have decided to not proceed with a renewal of contracts. However, even after the contract expires, Niel and Changjo will continue with Teen Top's activities due to the deep affection and trust that the members have with each other.
In addition, Niel is awaiting the release of his solo track in January, as his last project with us. We will be revealing more information about the musical release very soon.
We would like to relay our sincere gratitude toward artists Niel and Changjo, who have worked with us for a long time, and we support Niel and Changjo's new beginnings as good artists.
Once again, we would like to thank the fans who have unsparingly sent their support to Niel and Changjo."

TEEN TOP, man. Love the group but its sad how forgotten they have become to the point its easy to exclude them from any discussion involving Gen 2. Really wish they would have a big career revival like NU'EST
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