The audition program 'My Teenage Girl,' which is an audition program in which young teenage girls compete to make their debut as the next global girl group, is gaining criticism as they broadcasted a contestant being eliminated twice due to technical error. In regards to this, judge Ock Joo Hyun even shed tears as she had to watch a young contestant go through the elimination twice.
On the December 5 episode of the MBC audition program, contestants Park Hyo Rim, Yoo Jae Hyun, Kim Ri Na, and Kim Soo Hye put on their performance. The four contestants who never received any official training were able to show an excellent performance despite the various conflicts they faced before.

After the performance of the four contestants, the judges began putting in their votes. The contestants must receive three or more votes from the judges to the next round. Kim Soo Hye received 4 votes, and Kim Ri Na received 3 votes going to the next round. However, Yoo Jae Hyun and Park Hyo Rim only received 2 votes and were eliminated.
However, when the vote results were revealed, the judges realized something was not right. This was because the results were different from the votes they gave in. After confirming, the production team and the judges held an emergency meeting.

The production team apologized and explained that the votes were counted wrong; therefore, the contestant that should be eliminated were switched. As a result, Yoo Jae Hyun received three votes to go to the next round, but Park Hyo Rim received only two votes again. Park Hyo Rim had to receive the news of her elimination twice and was seen shedding tears.
When the MC asked Park Hyo Rim to share her last words, she explained, "This is performance is not the end. I will show myself in other places." Ock Joo Hyun, who was watching, responded, "We're so sorry we had to hurt you twice. I'm so sorry," and shed tears.

Netizens who watched this episode criticized that the production team handled the situation wrong. Netizens stated, "This is the worst situation ever. Park Hyo Rim had to go through the elimination twice just because of a technical malfunction. What reason is there to eliminate the contestant twice with her parents watching? They could have edited the error after the show and made an announcement of additional contestants who passed this round. It's better not to call Park Hyo Rim again isn't it?"
Other netizens agreed and commented, "This was the worse," "I hope this doesn't traumatize her," and "I really don't understand why they had to edit this in."

of course mbc didn't edit the "mistake" out, they want the show to be talked 'bout, no matter if it's bad, everything for melodrama.
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