The top 14 contestants of MBC's ongoing idol survival program 'Extreme Debut: Wild Idol' will be featured in the December issue of 'Men's Health' magazine, showcasing their sexy and alluring charms.
In the special pictorial, each of the top 14 contestants channeled different moods as they expressed the theme of "Wild Idol" in their own way. Some of the contestants, including Bang Tae Hoon, Lee Chang Sun, Seo Sung Hyuk, and Yoon Jun Hyup garnered attention for showing off their fit bodies.
Meanwhile, the surviving top 14 contestants of MBC's 'Extreme Debut: Wild Idol' include Bang Tae Hoon, Lee Jae Jun, Lee Chang Sun, Park Gun Wook, Lim Joo Ahn, Kim Ji Sung, Yoon Jun Hyup, Park Joo Un, Jung Hyun Woo, Seo Sung Hyuk, Kim Hyun Yeob, Lee Jae Eok, Kim Ki Joong, and Noh Yoon Ho. Only 7 of them will earn a chance to debut as a part of the winning group.
Have you been tuning into 'Extreme Debut: Wild Idol', airing every Thursday nights at 9 PM KST?
Okay, I'm gonna need some IDs for these beautiful men. Other than Ayno and Jaejun, I'd love to get to know the others as well. 😊