Some fans are flocking the exam facilities to get a glimpse of the idols who took the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) for the 2022 academic year.
According to Xports News, VERIVERY's Kangmin took the exam at Jamsin High School in Songpa-gu, Seoul, on November 18.
As Kangmin headed towards the main gate, a large group of Kangmin's fans was seen herding towards the idol to take photos of him. According to the video uploaded by My Daily on their YouTube channel, some of his fans even blocked his path.
Although he a celebrity, Kangmin is also a student. It was a short moment, but many are criticizing that it is absurd to prevent a student from entering the school building to take the exam.
Many speculate that the fans' actions also caused an inconvenience for the other examinees as well. Many people worry that the fans flocking and creating a commotion in front of the exam location might have disrupted the focus of the other students as well as increased their anxiety ahead of the exam.
They're obsessive and disrespectful. They don't know their limits. This is not true love or respect.