It has been over a year since the first AOA bullying controversy broke out to the public. Last year, former AOA member Mina shared a series of Instagram posts claiming that Jimin had bullied her. Mina continued to post gruesome images of self-harm along with messages that sound like suicide notes stating how much she had suffered because of Jimin.
This ongoing scandal stirred up the entertainment industry for a year as Mina continuously posted disturbing photos of self-harm and claimed that she had suffered both mentally and physically due to Jimin's bullying.
Many were quick to attack Jimin leading the former member to close her YouTube channel and completely disappear from the industry altogether. Nevertheless, Mina continued to share content on her social media about the AOA bullying incident over the span of a year leading to more controversies over her irrational actions. Slowly, many netizens have turned their backs on Mina as they state they are tired of her antics and lies.

On September 10, former entertainment news reporter Lee Jin Ho uploaded a YouTube video with the title "ChoA gave up...The Reason Mina Keeps Attacking Jimin." In the video, the reporter analyzed why Mina continuously attacks Jimin and explained why Mina began to have ill feelings towards Jimin in the first place.
The reporter mentioned three reasons and issues in regards to the controversies surrounding the former AOA members.
The reporter began the video by explaining, "This is very unfortunate. I am trying to criticize miss Mina. However, there are increasingly more individuals who are being hurt because of Mina. So I want to prevent that from happening further. There are many acquaintances who want Mina to quit social media and seek proper treatment...once again, I am not here to criticize Mina but want everyone to look at this issue more objectively."

Reporter Lee Jin Ho began by explaining the witness testimonies he received from the staff members who worked with AOA. He stated, "Mina has been claiming to be a victim throughout this whole controversy. However, the staff members and officials claimed she was just another individual." According to the reporter, Mina would ask staff members to run personal errands for her, and if things didn't go the way she wanted, she would become outraged. He explained, "The staff members complained that Mina lacks professionalism."
The reporter explained that when AOA went to Malaysia to perform in 2018, Mina was not professional, according to the staff who were with the girl group at the time. During that time, Mina claimed she was not feeling well, having migraines. Ultimately, Mina even had to go to the hospital due to her condition and having to withdraw from all the performances. So all the members had to work to rechoreograph the performances. However, the next day Mina was seen enjoying her day at the hotel, swimming, and getting a massage at the spa. The agent in Malaysia saw Mina and even complained to AOA's agency.

In addition, another staff member who was working at the music video filming of singer Jang Bum Joon's "Every Moment With You" stated that Mina was also unprofessional on the day of filming. Mina was only to film a short scene in which she walks down the street. However, Mina was unable to do that simple task as she complained of not feeling well from sleep deprivation. The staff members from that time explained that the director had to film that short scene more than five times.

Reporter Lee Jin Ho continued to say, "Every time Mina caused trouble, the AOA members did not rebuke her or ask her to change her actions. Therefore, it was Jimin who would step up as a leader to correct her." This was seen from the conversation that was released by Dispatch. According to the conversation, the reporter explained that "ChoA also stated that Mina does not listen so Jimin had to say things harshly as a leader." The reporter stated, "It seems that Mina was hurt and felt like she was being bullied during this process."
According to the reporter, as Jimin rebuked Mina often for her unprofessional actions, Mina began to build ill feelings towards Jimin, leading Mina to attack her for a year. The reporter concluded, "I do not want to ridicule Mina's words however, it is an issue if Mina continues to say and blame Jimin for ruining her life."
Waiting for her to open up her Instagram again to make up excuses. Seolhyun was working so hard, even fainting to paid their debt, her income was probably divided equally between the members in their early years just to maintain a lazy ass diva.
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