Dance and vocal are not something one member does alone.
Each member alone in ATEEZ basically does the work of 1.7 people
How could a small company manage to recruit kids like these and made them debut together...?
- Stage presence is beyond legendary

[+33, -0] I wasn't even interested in idols but I got interested in them after seeing in Immortal Songs, then I found myself stanning this group by watching their other performances
[+30, -0] Their stage presence is also awesome
[+25, -1] ATEEZ's new album is coming out on September 13 ♥ Lots of people ♥

[+22, -0] I really worry about their bodies every time I watch their stages ㄹㅇ.. They dance like their bodies are ripped apart
[+14, -0] Seriously, I think their stage presence is the best among current idols. I'm a fan of another group but I never miss ATEEZ's stages
[+13, -0] If you become a fan now, a whole new world will open up.

[+11, -0] Is it because they are junior group of Block B?
[+7, -0] Seriously how did they get together
[+7, -0] I love this post! Their comeback on 9/13!! Get on board quickly ❤

[+5, -0] They really work hard and do well~
[+1, -0] Get on board quickly

Not quite sure what this post/article/opinion piece is about but it's Ateez so I'm ok with it.
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