Former AOA member Mina is under fire for allegedly lying about her picture in a hotel room smoking with her new boyfriend.
On September 6th, Mina updated her Instagram with a picture of her and her new non-celebrity boyfriend in a hotel room. However, netizens spotted Mina was holding a lit cigarette in her hand in a hotel room. Netizens claimed the hotel in the picture was a non-smoking building with a designated smoking area on the outside of the building.

Mina denied that she was in a non-smoking room but she deleted the picture in question as she faced a lot of criticisms. Some of the comments as shown in the screenshot below are: "How did you know where she was staying?", "In her previous post, she said it was allowed to smoke in the room. So people commented 'Oh I guess it was a motel, not a hotel'. She got offended and revealed the hotel in Seoul.", "Someone else who stayed in that hotel commented about it"

Shortly after, Mina uploaded a screenshot of her hotel room reservation from a third-party booking site on her Instagram. The screenshot shows that she selected a room where smoking is allowed under the preferred room section.

However, Mina has now closed her Instagram. What do you think of this situation?
She is practically screaming at the top of her lungs saying she wants attention. She is not even trying to be subtle anymore. I can’t believe I felt sympathy for this girl at one point. I hope Jimin and comes forward and tells her side of the story to expose this fraud. And I know I’m going to get downvoted for this but I doubt her rape claim. She has done so many things. From trying to commit suicide for attention and then saying she’s going to leave Instagram for a while so she can focus on her mental health then coming back a few days later. Then bringing up the late idol Sulli for attention. She has no morals whatsoever. She is disgusting.
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