On August 16, 2021, 5-member girl group Solia released the music video for their debut Dream. The group was comprised of former members of dance teams Sio.Sijak, New Heart, and the pre-debut group Yours.
Unfortunately, Solia's official Instagram account confirmed that the group would be disbanding today, only 5 days after their debut.
This makes them one of the fastest, if not the fastest group ever to disband after their debut.
Here is the company's statement:
"Hello, I'm Solia.
I'm sorry to surprise you with a bad story all of a sudden.
Now that the company can no longer lead our team Solia due to its circumstances, we have a long conversation with the company.
It was such a short time, but I want to say thank you and sorry to the fans who supported us and loved us.
If you're curious about the members' personal activities or their daily lives, I'd appreciate it if you follow them on their Instagram.
Once again, I'm sorry to the fans."
Why did they even prepare and debut them, just to waste money?
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