BTS Jin's cover art for "Abyss" gets featured in the "Hokusei Girls Dance" team video for Dance One Project 21 Japan
Posted by now-topic31,979 pts Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Jin's solo song "Abyss" once again became the center of attention after it was featured in the video done by the "Hokusei Girls Dance" team for a dancing project in Japan called "Dance One Project 21." The students had to demonstrate what they've been doing during vacation, and one of the participants used Jin's cover art in their video.
A painting of the cover art for Jin’s song “Abyss” was featured by a highschool student who dreams to become a pattern maker, and is part of a dance team “Hokusei Girls Dance” for Dance One Project 21 in Japan that focuses on what high school students do during summer vacation.
Jin was named as one of the Asian artists who took a big part in destigmatizing talking about mental health issues. His beautiful solo song "Abyss" is about his own struggles that he shared to encourage everyone with mental health problems to open up to their close people or seek professional help. It was a courageous step for such a big star to show himself in a "vulnerable" position. It is great that Jin inspires young minds like the girls of this dancing team.
Abyss by Jin is now the most commented audio in Youtube history! Congratulations Jin 🎉
A few weeks ago, Jin became the character of the video on a popular YouTube channel Psych2Go. In the video, they were explaining emotional burnout in simple words and used "Abyss" as an example.
Psych2Go, a youtube channel which gives people a place to openly talk and learn about psychology and mental health without feeling judged or inhibited, uploaded a video related to Burnout on their channel. In the video they mentioned about BTS Jin and Abyss.
"Abyss" became the most commented YouTube audio in the world as well as the most liked Korean soloist audio. Millions of people are sharing their thoughts and hardships under it.