Reporter Kim Yong Ho poster a video on his YouTube channel on July 29 titled, "Park Soo Hong's reason for registering his marriage with Kim XX, the woman of his dead friend."
During the video, Kim Yong Ho stated, "When Yoo Jung Hwan opened the club 'Cheongdam Made,' Park Soo Hong always hung out with him every day. The articles about Park Soo Hong doing volunteer work were sponsored and paid by Yoo Jung Hwan." The reporter continued to say, "It's not a coincidence that Park Soo Hong appeared as a club mania when he appeared on SBS's 'My Little Old Boy' with Seungri. During the show, Seungri asked Park Soo Hong 'What did you gain from going to clubs for 4-5 years?' and Park Soo Hong replied, 'The fate that passes away."
Kim Yong Ho also revealed the report that he received about Park Soo Hong from a person who allegedly dated the TV personality. The person who sent in the tip wrote, "I'm a person who used to date Park Soo Hong briefly. I think my tip would be useful in revealing how creepy, pretentious, ill-conceived and how unstable a person Park Soo Hong is."
She continued to write, "I thought he was a gentleman when I first met him at a club but I discovered strange things about him. I will tell you about his sex life. When I saw these signs, I should have left but the last time I saw Park Soo Hong, I saw the devil." Kim Yong Ho stressed, "She said she saw the devil."
The reporter continued to ask, "When Park Soo Hong was going to the clubs, do you think, he went there just for the sake of going? You can't fall into deception to the image created by celebrities."

Earlier, Kim Yong Ho revealed things about the late Yoo Jung Hwan, the CEO of Mon Dou Dou.
CEO Yoo Jung Hwan, the founder, and CEO of a company that sold wet-nap cleansing wipes, shocked the nation when he was embroiled in an absurd incident when he drove his Bentley across Gangnam, Seoul, back in 2015. He hit three cars as he drove wildly on the busy roads. During the crazy scene, his car lost a wheel, but he continued to drive 500m. After his car came to a stop, he stole another car that was standing on the shoulder of the road colliding with a BMW.
At that time, CEO Yoo Jung Hwan claimed that he overdosed on the sleeping pills that were prescribed to him for his insomnia. However, the National Forensic Service analyzed urine and hair and tested positive for methamphetamine. Eventually, he was sentenced to two years in prison in May 2015 on charges under the Specific Crime Weighted Punishment Act.
Yoo reportedly sold Mon Dou Dou after he was released from prison and entered the merger & acquisition industry with the money he had collected from selling his wet-nap company. However, his M&A business failed, which lead him to borrow money. He reportedly lost all his money and went down to his hometown.
Kim Yong Ho raised suspicions stating that Park Soo Hong's current wife dated Yoo Jung Hwan after the CEO was released from prison. According to Kim Yong Ho, CEO Yoo Jung Hwan died after traveling to Las Vegas with Park Soo Hong's wife. Kim Yong Ho is claiming that Park Soo Hong's wife is behind the death of Yoo Jung Hwan.
He needs to be sued. He is trash