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A musical director calls Jin a "true belter" and wishes to see him in a musical

Posted by k-timez9,073 pts Friday, July 16, 2021

Jin as a vocalist of BTS, is the one who frequently gets the attention of music critics and vocal coaches because of the techniques he uses. This time his live performance of "Permission to dance" was noticed by an American musical director and brilliant pianist, James Carl Osorio.

James made a comment about Jin perfectly demonstrating his vocal techniques and saying he wants to see him as the star of musicals:

He continued and made more elaborated comments:

"He studied acting, he sings and dances.."

Jin was called "a true belting king" for demonstrating the "technique-driven vocals" and even while dancing hitting every high note and belting them with power and ease. James mentioned multiple musicals and Disney songs that could be perfect for Jin to do. Only the power-vocals can do justice to these songs!

"Because not only he is dancing but also has to constantly hit G#4s in proper intonation, resonance & support. That's already high for tenors".

It was mentioned multiple times by Jin's vocal teachers that he is a very technique-oriented vocalist. He learns new things every day and strives for the most perfect result possible. The natural talent and voice color uniqueness combined with hard work makes Jin the outstanding vocalist that deserves all the praise he gets from critics.

"Only Jin can sing like this."

The next day fans found out that Jin is mentioned in Wikipedia as the vocalist that is known for his belting.

"Jin has the widest belted range ranging from E4-B5 with his supported range pushing up to F#4. His mix is one of the most consistent in the industry. Jin is able to belt 5th octave notes with ease, comfort & power that other male vocalists cannot achieve".

Fans trended a hashtag "BELTING KING SEOKJIN," remembering the best moments of Jin demonstrating his talent.

Everyone can't wait for Jin to release more songs or covers with the mind-blowing belting parts!

Would you like to see and hear Jin in a musical?

Shop the story
BTS JIN : VOGUE October 2024
BTS JIN Cover - W Magazine August 2024
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Seokjinstan1,526 pts Friday, July 16, 2021 0
Friday, July 16, 2021

Jin voice sounds like he is born for musicals .

16 (+19 / -3)
ssssssh_be_quiet3,467 pts Friday, July 16, 2021 0
Friday, July 16, 2021

Man I cant wait for him to have his own album and OST. Imagine how beautiful it is! 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️

14 (+17 / -3)


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