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[INTERVIEW] UP10TION share involvement on CONNECTION and leave a message for fans

Posted by Lorr-Ye Thursday, June 17, 2021

Powerhouse K-Pop group, UP10TION has returned with their exciting 2nd album release, CONNECTIONThe group's latest album depicts a spin-off story to the previous album, Light UP, and boasts a distinct determination to spread their light beyond realms and limits. Out of a whopping 10 new songs, energetic and sexy "Spin Off " is their chosen title. An anthem for those eager to find a new beginning after overcoming major hardship, this song is about the passion that overturns the limits of the body! UP10TION offers a refreshing and high-octane colorful charm this comeback that excites beyond our wildest imaginations. With extensive involvement in the writing and production process of CONNECTION, we were eager to speak with the members regarding their latest release and musical growth. Keep reading for our interview with UP10TION!

Also, don't miss out on your chance to ask UP10TION questions yourself in our Red Carpet Q&A on our forums.

allkpop: Hello UP10TION! Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to chat with us! Please introduce yourself!
:안녕하세요! 두 번째 정규앨범 [CONNECTION]으로 돌아온 업텐션의 쿤입니다!

KUHN : Hello! I'm KUHN of UP10TION who is back with the second full album [CONNECTION]!

고결 : 안녕하세요! 팀에서 보컬을 맡고 있는 고결입니다.

KOGYEOL: Hello! I'm KOGYEOL, the vocalist of the team.

비토 : 안녕하세요! 업텐션 메인댄서 비토입니다.

BITTO : Hello, I'm UP10TION's main dancer, BITTO.

선율: 메인보컬 선율입니다~

SUNYOUL: I'm the main vocalist SUNYOUL~

규진: 안녕하세요! 업텐션 서브보컬 규진입니다~~!!

GYUJIN: Hello! I'm UP10TION's sub-vocal GYUJIN!

환희 : 안녕하세요~ 업텐션의 메인보컬 환희입니다.

HWANHEE : Hello, I'm the main vocalist of UP10TION, HWANHEE.

샤오 : 저는 막내를 맡고 있는 업텐션의 샤오입니다.

XIAO : I'm the youngest member of UP10TION, XIAO.

allkpop: UP10TION has just released their second full album, CONNECTION. Congratulations! CONNECTION is a spin-off of your prior release, LIGHT UP. Can you explain the relationship between these two albums?

UP10TION : 업텐션의 정규 2집 [CONNECTION]은 지난해 9월 발매된 9TH MINI ALBUM [Light UP]의 스핀 오프 버전입니다. [Light UP]에서 빛을 찾아 나선 7명의 라이트 헌터 업텐션이 서로가 서로의 빛임을 깨달았다면, [CONNECTION]에선 하나가 돼 더 큰 빛과 시너지를 만들어낸 업텐션의 모습을 만나보실 수 있습니다.

UP10TION : UP10TION's second full album [CONNECTION] is a spin-off version of 9TH MINI ALBUM [Light UP] released in September last year. If the seven Lighthunters UP10TION in search of light in [Light UP] realized that they were each other's light, you can see UP10TION in [CONNECTION] becoming one and creating greater light and synergy.

allkpop: What can HONEY10 expect from CONNECTION? What would you like fans to take away after listening?

: 앨범에 멤버들이 많이 참여를 했어요. 멤버들이 많이 참여하고 노력한 만큼 허니텐들이 자랑스러워해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다.

KUHN : A lot of the members participated in the album. As much as the members participated and worked hard, I hope HONEY10 is proud of us.

고결 : 업텐션의 발전을 보여주고 싶고 팬분들도 뿌듯한 느낌을 받으셨으면 좋겠습니다.
: I want to show UP10TION's improvement. I hope the fans feel proud.

비토 : 수록곡에 듀엣과 유닛곡이 담겨서 색다른 조합을 만나보실 수 있으니 꼭 들어봐주시면 감사하겠습니다.

BITTO : The duet and unit songs are included in the album, so you'll be able to see a different combination, so please listen to them.

선율 : 퍼포먼스와 라이브 둘 다 탄탄하다는 생각이 드셨으면 좋겠습니다.

SUNYOUL : I hope you think that both the performance and live performance are great.

규진 : 업텐션이 많이 성장했구나!!'라고 느끼셨으면 좋겠어요.

GYUJIN : I hope you feel that UP10TION have improved a lot.

환희 : 허니텐이 저희 노래와 무대를 듣고, 보면서 멋있다고 생각해 주셨으면 좋겠습니다.

HWANHEE : I hope HONEY10 think our songs and performances are cool.

샤오 : 한층 더 성숙해진 저희의 모습을 보실 수 있습니다!

XIAO : You'll be able to see us more mature!

allkpop: Your title track, “SPIN OFF '' expresses the passion to break the limit and announce the beginning of a new world. Please share more about the concept for this dynamic title!


‘SPIN OFF’는 온몸의 한계를 깨부수고 새로운 시작을 열겠다는 메시지를 담은 곡입니다. 무더운 여름에 걸맞게 시원하면서도 열정적이고 강렬한 느낌의 노래이기도 합니다. 플럭 베이스와 화려한 신스 사운드로 청량함을 극대화했거든요! 업텐션만의 '청량 섹시'가 무엇인지 제대로 확인하실 수 있을 겁니다.

UP10TION : 'SPIN OFF' is a song with a message that we will break down the limits of our whole body and open a new beginning. It's a cool, passionate, and intense song to match the hot summer. It maximizes freshness with a pluck bass and colorful synth sound! You'll be able to see what UP10TION's 'Refreshing Sexy' is.

allkpop: This comeback features a whopping 10 new tracks! How was the production process for preparing CONNECTION? Approximately how long did it take to create this full-length?

UP10TION : 오랜만의 정규 앨범이라 다들 즐겁게 작업했어요. 멤버들의 작업 참여도가 정말 높은 앨범이고, 한 곡 한 곡에 정말 신경을 많이 썼어요. 앨범이 나오기까지는 2~3달 정도 걸린 것 같습니다.

UP10TION : It's been a while since we released a full album, so we all had fun working It's an album with a lot of members participating in the work. We paid a lot of attention to each song. We think it took about 2 to 3 months for the album to be released.

allkpop: From what I understand, KUHN and BITTO participated in most of the song’s lyrics including that of “SPIN OFF, “LIAR”, “SUMMER DRIVE”, “PARADE, “DESTROYED” and “BELIEVE IN YOU”. What inspires your songwriting process?

: 작사에 참여하는 것 자체가 즐겁고, 개인적으로 뿌듯하기도 하고, 마음 드는 가사를 썼을 때는 그 곡에 애착도 생깁니다.

KUHN : Participating in the lyrics itself is fun, personally proud, and when I write lyrics that I like, I get attached to the song.

비토 : 저는 제가 좋아하는 노래를 만드는 편인데 제가 좋아하는 노래가 다른 사람들이 들었을 때도 좋았을 때 가장 행복합니다. 그 보람을 느끼려고 곡을 쓰고 작사를 하는 것 같습니다.

BITTO : I tend to write songs that I like, and I'm happiest when other people listen to them. I think I write songs and write lyrics to make it worthwhile.

allkpop: XIAO, you composed and wrote, “Destroyed” and “Honey Cake”. Tell us about how those songs came to be and how you applied your own personal touch to them.

샤오 : 'Destroyed'는 상처를 딛고 도약하겠다!는 메시지를 담은 곡이고, 피아노, 오케스트라 사운드, 콰이어 사운드로 몽환적이면서도 강렬한 분위기를 만들어봤어요. 'Honey Cake'는 곡 제목에서부터 알 수 있듯 허니텐을 위한 노래인데요, 허니텐을 달콤한 케이크에 비유해봤고 업텐션 특유의 청량함이 가득 담긴 노래입니다! 제가 들었을 때 좋았던 노래들에서 영감을 받는 편이에요. 함께 작업하는 작곡팀원들과 힘을 합쳐 더 좋은 가사와 멜로디가 나올 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다.

XIAO : 'Destroyed' is a song with a message that we will take a leap forward from the wound. I created a dreamy yet intense atmosphere with piano, orchestra sound, and Kwire sound. As you can see from the title of the song, 'Honey Cake' is for Honey10. It's a song that compares Honey10 to a sweet cake. It's full of UP10TION's unique freshness! I tend to get inspired by the songs that I liked when I heard them. I'm working with the songwriting team members to make better lyrics and melodies come out.

allkpop: KOGYEOL, you’re credited with writing “Sky Line”. What about that track’s concept and lyricism is meaningful to you?

고결 : 제가 작사, 작곡에 참여한 'Sky Line'은 팬분들께 전하고 싶은 말을 담은 미디엄 템포의 곡이에요. 비토와 함께 해서 더 의미가 남다른 것 같습니다. 팬분들을 생각하며 만든 곡이고 만나고 싶은 마음을 담은 노래입니다.

KOGYEOL : 'Sky Line', which I wrote and composed, is a medium-tempo song that expresses what I want to say to the fans. I think it's more meaningful because I'm with BITTO. It's a song that we made thinking about our fans. It's a song that we want to meet.

allkpop: Awesome! We’re excited about your release. It’s been great speaking to UP10TION about their latest full-length album, CONNECTION. Any last messages you’d like to tell HONEY10?

: 허니텐! 잘 지내고 계신가요!? 미주투어를 한 지 너무 오래 됐네요. 빨리 코로나19가 종식돼서 만나러 가고 싶어요! 그때까지 건강히 지내시고, 늘 업텐션을 응원해 주셔서 감사합니다!

KUHN : Honey10! How are you doing? It's been so long since we've been on a tour in America. I can't wait for Corona 19 to end and go meet you! Stay healthy until then and thank you for always supporting UP10TION!

고결 : 허니텐, 행복하게 해줄게요. 고마워요.

KOGYEOL : Honey10, I'll make you happy. Thank you.

비토 : 다시 기회가 된다면 미주 투어를 가고 싶습니다. 꼭 그날이 오길 기대해 주세요!

BITTO : If I have another chance, I would like to go on a tour of the Americas. Please look forward to that day!

선율 : 앨범이 나오기까지 기다려줘서 고맙고 이번 활동도 잘 부탁해요.
SUNYOUL : Thank you for waiting for the album to be released, and please take good care of this promotion.

규진 : 항상 너무 고맙고 사랑합니다 허니텐!

GYUJIN : Thank you so much and I love you. Honey10!

환희 : 허니텐!! 'SPIN OFF' 많이 많이 사랑해 주시고 이번 앨범 열심히 준비했으니까 예쁘게 봐주세요~ 그리고 허니텐! 많이 사랑해요♥

HWANHEE : HONEY10! Please show a lot of love for 'SPIN OFF'. We worked hard on this album, so please enjoy it! And HONEY10! I love you so much♥

샤오 : 이번에도 잘 부탁하고 항상 기다려줘서 너무 고맙고 많이 아껴 우리 허니텐

XIAO : Thank you so much for always waiting for us and taking good care of us, Honey10.

  1. UP10TION
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Thursday, June 17, 2021


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NineMusesMinha1,151 pts Thursday, June 17, 2021 0
Thursday, June 17, 2021

when hwanhee and sunyoul are both main vocals and their introductions are the same basically 😂

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