A fan of Lee Seung Gi is protesting the singer's relationship with actress Lee Da In.
Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In confirmed they were dating this past week, and it seems not everyone is happy for the couple. On May 28, netizens began discussing the below van banner on online community sites. According to reports, one fan funded the van that has an LED sign with a message concerning the rumored marriage between the two stars.
The protesting fan seems concerned with Lee Seung Gi throwing away his career and asks him to "protect" fans. The banner states, "It's okay if you didn't know. Letting you know now. They've made too many victims. Are you going to abandon the 17-year-old tower you've been building? You need to make a quick decision. We've protected you for 17 years. It's now time for Lee Seung Gi to protect Airen (Lee Seung Gi's fan club)."
What are your thoughts on the fan's protest?

How cringey. Imagine claiming to be a huge fan of someone and not wanting them to find love and live a normal life. Dude is in his mid 30’s and they want him to live like a monk. Pathetic.
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