Dazed Korea has released the cover images of its 13th Anniversary issue for April, featuring G-Dragon, the magazine went to be one of the best-selling Magazine covers by Korean idol, selling thousands of copies in small time.
Dazed Korea magazine released eight different covers and a 58-page story spread featuring candid photographs and artwork created by G-Dragon on set. People have noticed the place of filming are LGBTQ places.

Few of the places are LGBTQ clubs, named "Eat Me", "Queen" and "Trance", as G-Dragon and Dazed thanked them on the Magazine. G-Dragon is known to be regular visitor of those clubs as he showd his support to them multiple times, even visited it with Oscar-winning actress Tilda Swinton.

G-Dragon also showed his support for the community by having a tattoo that was designed by the famous American artist Keith Haring, the design symbolizes opposition to homophobia, nuclear warfare and racism and Support for social activism

as well when he post in 2015 on his social media a support photo with caption "Rainbow_lasts_4ver" to show support to his fans after they messaged him about it.

Not only these occasions, he always showed support publicly to the community. And you can only show admiration for him

Love Gdragon